In SQL Server, TempDB is a system database used to store
temporary objects such as temporary tables, table variables, and other internal
objects created during query processing. It is essential for managing sorting,
grouping, and joins, as well as for other temporary storage needs in SQL
We can determine the current size of the TempDB database by
querying the tempdb.sys.database_files dynamic management view (DMV). To find
the configured or initial size of the tempdb database, you can query the
sys.master_files DMV.
Please use the following query to determine the configured
or initial size of the TempDB files.
USE master; GO -- Check the Initial size of TempDB SELECT name AS [Database Name], type_desc, size * 8 / 1024 AS [Initial Size (MB) ], growth * 8 / 1024 AS [Autogrowth Setting (MB) ] FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID('tempdb');
Select name, file_id, size * 8 / 1024 AS [Current Size (MB) ], growth * 8 / 1024 AS [Autogrowth Setting (MB) ] from tempdb.sys.database_files